Embracing Mātauranga Māori in Physical Wellness
Deborah Heke on physical wellness and Māori culture, exploring connections between self, atua wāhine, and Te Taiao in the journey towards holistic well-being.
Kapu Tī Kōrero with a Māmā: Jazz Barclay
Jazz Barclay opens up about the unexpected early arrival of her daughter Pehirangi-Rua, sharing an intimate look at her dramatic birth experience and navigating the healthcare system.
Dear Freckles
Sonya transforms her struggle with appearance into a powerful testament to self-love.
Too White, and Too Brown
After moving from Te Taitokerau to Te Waipounamu, Tehya Henare-Toka went from not Māori enough, to the brownest in the room.
No Fat Chicks Allowed
Cameron MacCausland-Taylor on the media representation of fat women.
Kapu Tī with a Māmā
Emma Te Rina Smith, mum to Son, shares her haerenga through hapūtanga.
Standing up to Global Injustice
Zoe Moana Murray’s efforts as a student activist for reproductive equity.
Mahi Matakite
Emma Te Rina Smith with Josephine Raukawa on the work involved i ngā mahi o te Matakite.
Forgot to Whakanoa
By Tina Tangiweto – written in the early hours of Tamatea-a-Ngana, 1/03/20.
2020 so far
Tiaarangi navigates through the rough seas of life by reflecting on the year thus far.
We Don’t Need Your Comments Here
A comment from a coworker on her appearance left Melanie spiraling.
Abstract Nouns
A glance is not enough to be able to judge someone else, says Yashvi Peeti.
What being demisexual means for me
An article leads Azalea Pointon to the realisation they are demisexual.