Abstract Nouns


Abstract Nouns

abstract nouns cannot be measured in physical quantities 

beauty is too bizarre a concept to be rated on a scale of 1 to 10 

how can any number ever capture 

the giggle bubbling at the edge of her throat and eyes glinting with mischief

figures can't encompass the unadulterated joy of playing a prank 

how he looks when he bangs his head to guitar riffs 

the wind rushes to fill all the openings it can find 

everything he only reveals to the yawping world of rock and roll 

everything he's kept cramped shut so long

the moment after her breakdown when she looks into the mirror 

and whispers in a feeble voice 'you got this' 

louder each time 

'till it resonates with the sound waves of hope

how can a digit hold the fierce gloriousness of it all 

everything they went through when they transitioned 

how they had to learn and unlearn everything about their body 

how they took their trembling fingertips and held their own hand

told themselves that they're beautiful and handsome 

and gorgeous and everything in between

how it became a song inside their head that got louder with every confident stride

how it still rings in the ears of everyone who's heard it 

that performance when flesh moved like a drop of paint spreading through fluid 

the stage became a vacuum calling for water from the eyelids of everyone who witnessed it 

how their energy in motion brought out everyone's emotions 

why do you try so hard to define anyone 

when we are all ever-altering and perpetually moving

coming together and always undoing 

this is a grand celebration

all we have of each other is this dance 

let's notice all we wouldn't get from a glance.


Can i just stay in the shadows


What being demisexual means for me