Give the Ultimate Gift this Kirihimete
This Kirihimete, Māori Millionaire, shifts the focus from consumerism to aroha and whānau connections, supported by eco-conscious and financially respectful practices.
Māmā: A Poetry Collection
The powerful poetry of Te Ahua Manu is a heartfelt reflection of motherhood, identity, and the resilience of wahine, rooted in her Māori, Sāmoan, and Scottish heritage.
Dear Freckles
Sonya transforms her struggle with appearance into a powerful testament to self-love.
Generations of Te Ataarangi ki roto o Tainui
I noho a Emma Te Rina Smith ki te whakawhiti kōrero ki tētehi o ngā rūruhi me tētehi o ngā mokopuna o Te Ataarangi e pā ana ki tēnei kaupapa, te whakarauora i te reo Māori.