Voyaging for an Identity

Looking out to Tangaroa planning the voyage

Do I really know who I am

if I haven’t stepped on the native soil

of someone else’s motherland?


Will I ever really know who I am

if I don’t tread paths beyond the ocean

and away from my tūrangawaewae?


Blended concepts

of settlement and detachment,

are the only ways I can proclaim my place in the world.

Because only those who travel

have experienced enough

to discover their true selves.


 At least,

 those are the lessons I learnt

from travel blogs.

Soar the seven seas,

find yourself,

or stay an empty shell on the shore.

Cameron Taylor

Cameron Brooke Taylor (Ngāti Awa, Ngāpuhi) is a university student in Dunedin. After finishing her first year of studies, Cameron decided to drop that completely. Next year, she will be embarking on her first year of a creative writing degree. She is on a massive weight loss journey and has lost 10kgs in the last two months. Cameron is also a singer/dancer.

“I write about a personal topics that are close to my heart. I think it's so important for everyone to share their stories and words, it makes the world a much more beautiful and interesting place when we do. You never know who your words might help.”


Rooted In You


Nuhaka, Home of Heart