Rooted In You

Taiao - Environment, Tīpuna in one photo.

I see you.

Protecting us,

sustaining us

providing for free.'

I soak up every part of you.

Your taonga of blooming petals,

and wandering greenery,

embrace me at no expense.

I keep you alive.

My hands delicate with the tree bark of Tāne,

my body trusting in the ocean of Tangaroa,

and my feet firm on the body of Papatuanuku.

I swallow the suffering felt through you.

Foreign people,

tangata whenua,

ignoring your mauri within everything they touch.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Demanding fees from your exploited soil,

just to watch your pukekos wander

and your pohutukawa blossom.

I must remain with you.

At the hands of the ravenous,

I pay a price to stay rooted

in your motherland.


Cameron Taylor

Cameron Brooke Taylor (Ngāti Awa, Ngāpuhi) is a university student in Dunedin. After finishing her first year of studies, Cameron decided to drop that completely. Next year, she will be embarking on her first year of a creative writing degree. She is on a massive weight loss journey and has lost 10kgs in the last two months. Cameron is also a singer/dancer.

“I write about a personal topics that are close to my heart. I think it's so important for everyone to share their stories and words, it makes the world a much more beautiful and interesting place when we do. You never know who your words might help.”


Tane Mahuta


Voyaging for an Identity