
A mountain in the distance and the expanse of environment between us.


Papatūānuku  birthed  me

 Papatūānuku  birthed  you

 Papatūānuku  birthed  the  sea

 Papatūānuku  birthed  the  people

 Papatūānuku  birthed  the  trees

 Papatūānuku  birthed  the   evil


 I   sense  Te  Pōkiroto    

 I   sense  Te  Aokiroto    

 I   feel  Te  Pōpapakina   

 I   feel  Te  Aopapakina 

 I   see  Te  Aōwhero       

 I   see  Te  Powhero       


You  listen  Ki  Te Pōkitua 

You  listen  Ki  Te  Aokitua 

You  receive  Te  Pōāio 

You  receive  Te  Aoāio 

You  are  Te  Pōtawhito 

You  are  Te  Aowhito  


Papatūānuku  Ko  Tikanga     

Papatūānuku  Ko  Te Ao  Turoa

Papatūānuku  Ko  Whakapapa

Papatūānuku  Ko  Wairua  Tanga

Papatūānuku  Ko  Taha  Tinana

Papatūānuku  Ko  Mauri  Ora

Saskia Sassen

Saskia Sassen (Te Arawa, Pacific) is an Australian matakite and creative. Currently living and working on Quandamooka Country, she heals and activates sacred and safe space. Her work focuses on the liberation of all pacific nations. Everything she does is centred around the veneration of tūpuna and the preservation of mātauranga and whenua.


Tararua: Bird Like Men


Matariki 2020: A collection