Ngā Taonga Tuku Ihoa

Image Credit: Kataraina

Image Credit: Kataraina

Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho

Their echoes cry from the dust

Reaching out to me

Like the cold kiss of a gentle breeze

On the back of my neck

Makes my senses stir

A whirlwind is roaring in my head

My eyes cannot see them

Yet, I am aware of their presence

I close my eyes

And let their resonant whispers

Like a soft caress,

Soothe my weary spirit

And their wairua of love encompasses me

They are my ancestors

Who have long since passed

From this mortal realm

But have left for me

A treasured inheritance

Nga taonga tuku ihoa


Kataraina (Ngaati Maniapoto, Tainui, Ngāti Ranginui) is a busy mum of three, including a son with special needs. Her children teach her to take every day as it comes, to release mamae and return to Happy! For 10 years, her priorities and depression pushed her creativity to the back-burner and now she heals her womb space ready to start creating again.

“As women, we all have a womb (womb-an) that is constantly creating and birthing throughout our lives. Not just a portal to bring spirits to this world, but the nothingness, the void, where sparks of light and inspiration are formed into the creation and birthed into this worldto touch and inspire other women to use their God-given gift of creation.”


My Pepeha


Let’s Face it, We’d All Be Screwed Without the Arts