Homeless Ngākau

Woman looking at view

I’ve never had a home,

A real one you know,

In here, my ngākau.

I grew up outside of my rohe,

Iwi, hapū, whānau,

A product of colonisation,

Urbanisation, standardisation.

I learnt tīkanga through education,

Waiata, reo, kapahaka,

Taken from the traditions of the tangata whenua.

We visited their marae on school trips,

The only taste of Māoritanga I would know.

And I was jealous of the ones,

Who stood staunch in their tūrangawaewae,


Not like me,

A piece of seaweed,

In a turbulent sea.

So, I travelled 12 hours to my people,

I gave an auntie a hug.

My shoulders in her fingertips,

She looked me in the eyes,

And I read “welcome home,”

From her wrinkled lips.

I went home that night and cried,

A feeling of warmth in my heart.

I’ve never had a home before,

But what she gave me,

It’s a start.

Ataria Sharman

Ataria Rangipikitia Sharman (Ngāpuhi, Tapuika) is a writer, researcher, Kaiwāwāhi Kaupapa Māori of the Pantograph Punch and creator of AwaWahine.com. She has a Master of Arts in Māori Studies on Mana Wahine and the Atua Wāhine. An event curator for Verb Festival 2019, Ataria's manuscript for children's fiction novel 'Hine and the Tohunga's Portal' was one of five selected for Te Papa Tupu 2018 and is going to to be published by Huia Publishers. Her writing has been published on E-Tangata and her poetry featured in IHO: A Collaborative Exhibition about Māori Hair. Ataria grew up in Te Whanganui a Tara and now lives in Whangārei, Te Tai Tokerau with her partner Te Piha Niha.


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