
A flax family


there’s an affinity between the weaver

and the plants that she gathers

harakeke, pīngao, kiekie

the flax scraped with a shell

then washed and dried

the muka prepared on her thigh

the weaver works downward


the designs of women are as tangled

and purposeful as webs

under, over

holding hands in place

she pulls at the threads

two up, two down


we women go about our women’s activities 

reach out to Hineteiwaiwa

to give us power

she prays over us

sits like a mountain

beneath the cycles of the moon


with her face lit up above us

she cradles mother and child

we trace our lineage back 

as far as it goes

it ends with her


under, over

two up, two down

with your small flax

weave us into life

we summon you

Stacey Teague

Stacey Teague (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāpuhi) is a writer from Tamaki Makaurau currently living in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. She is the poetry editor for Scum Mag and has her Masters in Creative Writing from the International Institute of Modern Letters.


Moko of Hineteiwaiwa

