Tōku Māmā


Her blonde hair. Her blue eyes. Her soft lily skin.

She speaks about the magic of the womb, of a Pākehā body that birthed Māori children: ‘For the womb does not distinguish or judge like the mind.’ I sit here in awe as She shares Her rongoa, Her wise Woman wisdom. I always knew She was a Witch, and now I'm starting to think it’s cool again.

I see Her reflection so much that sometimes I wonder if I am even me. The strengths tip my brain into the stars. And the faults, which keep me grounded, working and hopefully humble.

I feel I might be looking into the future when we converse. When I trip up in the same spots She did, I understand the rigidity of those cycles we are incessantly fighting. And when I feel accomplished, it is often Her strength and support I acknowledge.

Tōku Māma: The healer. The teacher. The stitcher of worlds.

Hana Tuwhare

Hana Tuwhare (Ngāpuhi) is a a speech-language therapist who is passionate about creating rich language environments for our pēpi and tamariki.

For Hana, her inspiration to create comes from her whakapapa.

It’s a feeling in my puku. A hunger for positive change in our worlds.

Hana recently finished a year-long immersion te reo Māori course and she is also an auntie to five amazing irāmutu.

Hana was drawn to Awa Wahine because of the growth, connection and healing in spaces where we wāhine share our stories.




Putaanga Waitoa