Te Kahuwhero Alexander-Tu’inukuafe

Te Kahuwhero Alexander- Tu’inukuafe, Mo'unga I, 2021

Ko Whakataha te maunga

Ko Waitangi te awa

Ko Tauwhara te marae

Ko Mataatua te waka

Ko Ngai Tawake ki te tuawhenua, Ngati Rehia me Te Whiu ngā hapu

Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi

Ko Te Kahuwhero Alexander-Tu’inukuafe tōku ingoa

Te Kahuwhero Alexander-Tu’inukuafe is an artist from Te Tai Tokerau and of Māori, Tongan and Pākehā descent. After graduating with a Masters of Architecture from The University of Auckland in 2014, she’s been working as a librarian in Aotearoa and Ahitereiria. Recently Te Kahuwhero returned to Te Tai Tokerau to spend time reconnecting with the whenua, her whānau and art. Her artwork is inspired by visiting places in Te Tai Tokerau, including our maunga, awa and moana.

The drawing above is titled “Mo'unga I” and is part of a series of section drawings through the maunga of Ngāpuhi. Currently, she is also working on a series of woven drawings. The first two drawings in the series will be on display at Te Ahu Museum in Kaitaia over Raumati. Te Kahuwhero also has artwork displayed in other galleries across Te Tai Tokerau, Aotearoa and Ahitereiria. If anyone is interested in seeing their mahi toi in person she will be sharing about the exhibitions at the social media pages below.

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