Tayla Hartemink


Ki te taha o tōku kuia,

Ko Maungapohatu tōku maunga

Ko Waimana tōku awa

Ko Te Mahurehure tōku hapū

Ko Te Mahurehure tōku marae

Ko Ngai Tuhoe tōku iwi

Ko Te Arawa rāua ko Tinana ōku waka

I whāngai te whānau Peka i tōku kuia mai i te whānau Makamaka.

Ki tōku taha Henry

Ko Waiaua tōku marae

Ko Waiaua tōku hapū

Ko Ngāpuhi rāua ko Ngāti Kahu ōku iwi

Ko Tayla tōku ingoa

Kia ora,

As an artist something that I draw massive inspiration from is my experience as he wahine Māori, as I often take inspiration from the Māori stories of creation, traditional design and also expressing my identity through my pieces. I work from a range of materials, such as acrylic paint, digital mediums and crafting with clay. A big thing that fuels my toi mahi is the significance of representation for Māori culture, I am extremely passionate about creating things that reflect the beauty of Te Ao Māori in order to represent how amazing our people are.

Ngā mihi,


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Tayla Hartemink

Tayla comes from the iwi of Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu and a strong connection to Ngai Tūhoe. A young artist and activist for the rights and voices of Māori, Pasifika and People of Color. Her mahi toi is inspired by her whānau, whakapapa and pūrākau from her youth.


Mahi Matakite


You are Fierce, You are Full